6 Ways to Stop Your Dog From Barking Now
We all love our pets, their company can really warm a home. However, if your dog barks often, it can quickly become an annoyance that can be hard to stop. We have compiled a few of the top methods for helping your dog to stop barking.
Ignore the Barking
First and most importantly, do not give your dog attention when he or she barks. This is not easy, but your attention only rewards him for being noisy and encourages the behavior. Ignoring means not talking to, touching, or even looking at. When your dog does quiet down, then lavish the attention and affection.
Control the Environment
Notice what your dog's triggers are and try to remove the stimulus. If they bark at people walking by the home, for example, keep the blinds shut. If you are gone from the house, consider leaving on a TV or the radio to provide some typical household sounds the dog is used to.
Make sure your dog is getting sufficient exercise each day, different ages of dogs and breeds each require different amounts of exercise and movement, try to stay in tune with your dog to ensure he is getting enough. This can be even more crucial if you are leaving them alone for the day, a morning walk or activity can really help them relax during the day when you are away. If that is not possible, have a dog walker come to walk your dog mid-day. Remember, a tired dog is a good dog.
Dog Puzzles/Toys
Giving your dog an activity to do at home can be very helpful. Several products give your dog something to do and take their mind away from barking or other bad habits. Check out some of the great toys for your dogs here
Change the Behavior
When your dog begins to bark, ask him to do something incompatible with barking. For example, ask him to "go to your place" or "lie down." You can even have a friend trigger your dog by ringing the, for example. This technique will break the cycle and give you more control in your relationship.
Spray Collars
If you have tried everything else, but your dog continues to bark, you can try a bark collar. Bark collars are one of the most reliable, effective, and trustworthy methods to stop your dog from barking. There are many options, but a new favorite is the Barkless collar from E-Collar from Pet Safe. Spray collars deliver a harmless, light burst of unscented or citronella spray when the dog barks and has proven to work very well for.
Whatever method you choose, remember not to rush the process, but give your dog time. As you try some of the above techniques allow your dog to adjust and become used to the new activities, routines, and changes to their environment. Be patient, as you continue to work with your dog look for signs of improvement and progress.
- Jun 01, 2019
- in Pet Blog